While we encourage all to participate in the sacraments to the degree possible, we understand how persons of advanced age or with underlying health conditions may be apprehensive about returning to the Holy Mass in person, particularly in these unusual times.
For such persons, Holy Family Church would like to explore expanding our homebound ministry. We make this appeal for volunteers, who must be fully-initiated Catholics in good standing, to be trained as Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion to bring Jesus in the Eucharist to homebound persons in their neighborhood on Sundays. Due to limited resources, we ask for all such volunteers to have in their possession their own pyx (the small receptacle in which is placed Holy Communion).
The following form is intended both for those who request for the Eucharist to be brought to them at home on Sundays, as well as for volunteers willing to do so for those who live in their neighborhood. The extent of this ministry's reach is limited by the availability of volunteers living in any given neighborhood.