Please be sure to use this link ( to financially support St. Philomena Church in the aftermath of the recent arson (other Go-Fund-Me pages may be scams).
From Bishop Larry Silva As many of you know, St. Philomena Church and Early Learning Center in Honolulu suffered a major fire on Labor Day weekend as a result of arson. The property Insurance will not cover the majority of the loss due to program deductibles and pre-existing termite damage which occurred prior to the fire. Any parish or parishioner who can help St. Philomena with this tremendous cost can do so at the website listed below. Your kokua will be greatly appreciated! God bless you all!
From Fr. Paul Li Pastor of St. Philomena Church Sunday, September 5, 2021. Around 3 pm, a fire started and gutted two classrooms in the Early Learning Center and the Storage Room next to the Rectory. Heavy smoke engulfed and severely damaged the other four classrooms. Electrical fault was ruled out, and human involvement was suspected to have been the cause; it is a blessing no one was hurt. This incident is being investigated. Somehow, we need to move forward. We need to rally our parishioners to extend whatever help they can for us to rebuild. The Diocese has created a go-fund-me online donation for The Recovery of St. Philomena Fire Damage at Funds raised will help the church and ELC with repairs and/or replacement of damaged facilities and items such as equipment, funishings, and supplies. Thank you for your generosity and may the Good LORD Bless you!
